The Public Transport Register’s open data provides input for research related to, e.g., public transport network planning, mapping the access to public services via public transport, as well as assessing the social and economic impacts of the public transport network.
The open data is an extract of the data from the Public Transport Register, which contains information on national bus, tram, trolley, and ferry lines. The data describes carriers (e.g., carrier name, contact information), routes (e.g., route number and name, mode of transport), journeys (e.g., direction, wheelchair accessibility), stops (e.g., names of stops, geographical coordinates), timetables (e.g., arrival and departure times), fares in euros, and the geometric shape of the route.
The Road Administration updates the data once a day, and it is presented in GTFS format, which allows linking public transport timetables to geographical data.
Use of data