A software application called DrifterTrack has been developed using modern web development techniques and enabling the collection of universal telemetry data (in this case, marine sensors, GPS drifters, drift beams), its storage locally or in a cloud-based database and access to the data. The platform created is in competition with many other commercially available applications used in both public and private remote or in distributed monitoring systems.  To ensure the core functionality of the system created, DrifterTrack has been developed with the following goals in mind: The software solution must be flexible and extensible, with sufficient performance and scalability, and portable.

The data collected with the drifting buoys acquired in the framework of the project provide an opportunity to study the movement of the currents and current transport dynamics of the surface layer of the Gulf of Finland.

Source: Novaator

Related projects

The project “Wave Dynamics for Coastal Engineering and Management” focuses on aspects of coastal engineering and coastal management based on wave dynamics. Duration of the project 01.01.2020 through 12-31.2020.

Completed studies

Delpeche-Ellmann, N., Kudryavtseva, N., Soomere, T. (2018), The role of nearshore slope on cross-shore surface transport during a coastal upwelling event in Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 209, 123–135, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2018.03.018

Giudici, A., Kalda, J. and Soomere, T. (2018), Joint impact of currents and winds on the patch formation near the coasts of the Gulf of Finland. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue 85, 1156–1160, doi: 10.2112/SI85-232.1

Giudici, A., Kalda, J., Soomere, T. (2019), Generation of large pollution patches via collisions of sticky floating parcels driven by wind and surface currents. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 141, 573−585.10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.02.039.

Use of data

In the live version of the application, it is possible to create individual access rights for each user.

The open-source application can be downloaded, installed and used on a PC for free, allowing remote sending and receiving of data. In a specific case, it allows receiving the signal of buoys drifting at sea, display their position and previous journey, and carry out easier statistical analyses. The solution has a secure two-step authentication system. It also enables secure remote data access for interested persons. Recorded data is stored in the NMEA standard.


Tarmo SoomereProfessor