Why was IMO created?
There are many good social science databases in Estonia, but so far, they have not been longitudinally, geographically and on cross-domain bases harmonized and integrated. The IMO is the subject of the Estonian Research Infrastructures Roadmap, which aims to develop an innovative data infrastructure supporting mobile research, which consists of five main components: IMO single user Portal, country-specific e-data, mobile data, context data and sensor data. They are made available through secure workplaces, user interfaces, and query environments.
The IMO wants to make the basic social science data more user-friendly, to bring it closer to decision-makers and to improve the quality of research.

What will be done during the IMO development?
The development of the IMO will provide researchers and public authorities with access to a unique data infrastructure that includes both previously collected and publicly available data, as well as new, additional and previously restricted data. Harmonization and validation of data is also an important part of the IMO infrastructure.
What is the data infrastructure created by the IMO like?
The core of the data infrastructure that will be created by the IMO is person-based. It allows for detailed analysis of both international and national mobility (arrivals and departures), movers (gender, age, occupation, etc.), activities (learning, working, etc.) and impacts (on regions, the environment and the movers themselves, thereby helping to assess the success of different national strategies. In addition, data is collected at a more detailed spatial level from sensors and mobile phones that provide input for spatial planning strategies.

Main components of IMO
IMO infrastructure data is used in several major international and Estonian research and application projects, including migration dependence and integration challenges for the Estonian state, employers, communities, and education.
Migration dependency and integration challenges for Estonia, employers, communities and educational system
Visit project websiteH2020 BuildERS
Increasing the social resilience capital of European communities
Visit project websiteInterreg BSR MARA
Mobility and Accessibility in Rural Areas. New approaches for developig mobility concepts in remote areas of the Baltic Sea Region
Visit project websiteH2020 Finest Twins
Planning and development of a Smart City Centre of Excellence
Understanding the Vicious Circles of Segregation. A Geographic Perspective
This geographic research project aims to better understand segregation between socioeconomic and ethnic groups in Estonia
Visit project website